NONDENOMINATIONAL Darul-Uloom was established by very dedicated community members, sincere brothers, and sisters, upon observing the needs of the Muslim community and to facilitate the programs that would offer to the community a combination of religious, institutional and social services, with resources to meet all their religious, institutional, and social needs. Alhumdulillah, Darul-Uloom facilitates daily prayers including Friday Sermon, Taraweeh, Qiyamullail Prayer, Eid Salah, Daily Tahfizul Quran Program, Weekend Children Quran Classes, Daily Hadith Halaqa, Weekly Tafsir lessons, and Dawa work. Darul-Uloom also provides Darul Ifta Services, Religious guidance, Family consultation, Nikah/marriage services, and much more services related to all aspects of a community's needs to provide the community of Ottawa/Gatineau with resources to meet all their religious, institutional, and social needs greater than expectation.
Added on April 22, 2023 and last updated 2 years ago