SUNNI The OIC is a nonprofit charitable organization whose mission is to represent the Muslim community in the city of Gatineau, which is estimated at more than 3000 individuals. The objectives and activities of the OIC can be summarized as follows: To establish and maintain a mosque in the city of Gatineau, to establish a library and a school for teaching Arabic and the religious principles of Islam, to organize social, cultural and religious activities for the community, and to show to the society the social and human principles of Islam, as well as its principles of peace, justice and tolerance, and its contribution to human civilization. Currently, the OIC has undertaken the task of building the first mosque and community center in the city of Gatineau. This website is mainly designed to provide a detailed description of the project as well as various information regarding the Muslim community, the Arabic language school, and other events.
Added on November 21, 2009 and last updated 13 years ago