SUNNI SALAFI 5 times prayer and class after Magrib in Friday. Please use the back door of the mosque. Masjid has parking in the back. Jumma at 1:30 pm. Community kitchen on weekend. The Islamic Awareness Center (IAC) is dedicated to the cause of Islam in North America. Our focus is on providing the correct information about Islamic beliefs, history and practices from authentic sources. Our goal is to promote a better understanding of Islam and Muslims. The Islamic Awareness Center was established in 2001 in Binghamton, NY. It is a Da’wah Organization. The working definition of Da’wah for the “Islamic Awareness Center” is to convey the true message of Islam to non-Muslims, and to try and remove misinformation about Islam and Muslims. For anyone wanting to know more about Islam and Muslims, please feel free to visit the center. We invite you with open arms and look forward to sharing our Beliefs, tenants, and/or answering any questions you may have in regards to Islam.
Added on April 28, 2019 and last updated 5 years ago