SUNNI Islamic Center is a religious organization that manages the central mosque in Malmo and provides information on Islamic way of life, providing service to the parishioners, the internal and international outreach, a vibrant youth activities, and working for peace, integration, understanding and diversity through various charitable projects. Each year the center is visited by thousands of people from the public sector, employment, political party organizations, youth organizations and associations, other churches and individuals who are interested in the center's activities. Thus, the center is visited annually by hundreds of students, student teachers, nurses, politicians, youth leaders, municipal officials and others collectively form an important link between the Centre and the Swedish society. In addition, visitor center, an additional year of several thousand professors who annually uses the mosque's service in their daily prayers, Koran schools, weddings, funerals, and various lectures.
Added on October 18, 2011 and last updated 8 years ago