SUNNI Also known as 'The Old Stone Mosque', 'The Big Stone Mosque', 'The Ninth Cathedral Mosque.' This mosque was built in 1801-1802. The Communist government closed the mosque in 1930. It was reopened to worshippers in 1994. The mosque is the two-storeyed building with two praying-rooms and a minaret in the centre of the roof. The brick rectangular building has stores on the first and praying-rooms on the second floors. The entry is in its northern side. A vestibule part separated from the praying-rooms with the cross wall occupies one-fifth of the whole building. In the vestibule the left parts on both floors contains service premises. To the right from the entry there is a three-flight staircase leading to the second floor, where is the enfilade of the praying rooms that are separated by a thick wall. Inside the wall there is a narrow staircase leading to the minaret.
Added on August 29, 2005 and last updated 10 years ago