NONDENOMINATIONAL ADVOCACY The story of the Canadian Council of Muslim Women begins in 1982 when a group of dynamic and devoted Muslim women from across the country congregated in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Led by the late Dr. Lila Fahlman, these women sought to mobilize their passion for social justice and faith in order to enrich their communities and work towards the common good of Canadian society. This inaugural meeting led to the establishment of what is now known as CCMW and for the past 30 years its proud and accomplished roster of members have achieved and continue to achieve great milestones for Muslim Women and Canada’s multicultural landscape. A highly diverse organization, CCMW is firmly committed to the overarching vision of improving the status of women and empowering Muslim Women to remain true to their Islamic heritage and Canadian identity.
Added on March 11, 2021 and last updated 4 years ago