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★★★★★ This was the first Masjed in Salt Lake City that was bought by a number of people in the 80's and now it's getting more muslims every year.
They have a new building next door just for the women. The Masjed is always open and they're still working on improvments.
Sunday school is avalible through out the school year teaching Quran and Fiqah. Posted on July 25, 2008
★★★☆☆ There is no separate area for women to perform wudu, so women should used the sinks in one of the two lockable restrooms. The women pray downstairs, but ask the men upstairs to make sure the sound system is turned on if no one knows you are down there. One Fridays, the downstairs area is divided into two sections because all of the men don't fit upstairs. Posted on March 2, 2006