SUNNI The Sultan Bahu Sufi Order was established in South Africa in the eary 1980's. The head of the order Faqir Abdul Hamid Sarwari Qaderi resides in Kulachi, NW frontier, Pakistan. He made his first trip to South Africa in the early 1980's, where he initiated khalifa Saeed Ali Chopdat into the silsila and made him the senior khalifa for the region. Sheikh Saeed Ali has made great sacrifices to ensure the success of the silsila, and al'hamdu'lillah today we have many thousands of mureeds in South Africa and neighbouring countries. Sheikh runs the centre from the head office in Mayfair, Johannesburg, where he also runs an orphanage and a dialysis centre. Many other projects are also being successfully run, such as the drug rehab centres in Cape Town, a vibrant centre in Durban and a dawah centre in Potchefstroom, under Sautul Islam.
Added on June 29, 2011 and last updated 12 years ago