Currently using a trailer behind the new Masjid being constructed. Located in one of the fastest growing cities/areas in US. Fast growing Muslim population. Added on July 21, 2007 and last updated 3 years ago
★★★★☆ Brand new mosque that recently opened. When you see it from the road it can be confusing exactly how to get into the correct parking lot. Drive up towards the entrance doors of Costco and you will see the parking lot entrance to your left. Since it is so new, there was not a lot of information posted regarding its programs just yet, but it is open for prayer. Large on the inside with plenty of open space for both men and women. Posted on October 9, 2016
NR Listing needs to be removed. It is no longer functional. They have moved to 11137 Frisco St. site of the new Masjid and are using a trailer behind the new Masjid that is being built. Posted on August 16, 2015