SHIA JAFARI This building wasn't meant to be a mosque, but its turn-of-the-century architecture just happens to look like one. Purchased in the mid-1990's for $600,000, this mosque is one of the largest in Northern California and is located in downtown Oakland. Although the congregation is primarily Persian and Shi'a, the community welcomes the participation of all Muslims and is an active member of the Oakland interfaith community. A large banquet hall in the basement is the site of frequent cultural events and weddings, while the main auditorium has an impressive (but unusable) pipe organ in the back. The prayer room on the top floor is open to both men and women, and there is no barrier. Women form lines behind the men's line. Lunch is offered following Juma' prayers and men and women interact frequently. Both men and women serve on the Board of Directors and Board of Trustees. This mosque is particularly welcoming to non-Muslim individuals, as well as non-Shi'a Muslims, and is the only Islamic member of the Oakland Coalition of Congregations.
Added on March 28, 2005 and last updated 10 years ago