SUNNI Also known as Kevser, which means 'well of good' in the Bosnian language. Bosnaik-American Islamic Cultural Center, Inc. is tax-exempt organization that represents more than 250 families from Metro Louisville area. After 1992-95 war in Bosnia, over one million people found themselves without possibility to return to their homes, and a large number came to the USA. Our community managed to bring a full time imam Azam from Bosnia to administer all aspects of our religious life. He is very well educated and holds degrees from Bosnia and Kuwait University. Currently, he performs religious duties for all Muslims in the area including regular daily and Friday prayers. Our Mosque was and will be open for all religious needs to all Muslims in the area, and will allow us to remain attached to our culture and more importantly to Islam.
Added on September 3, 2006 and last updated 7 years ago