SUNNI SALAFI Masjid Al Umar was founded in 1995 in the basement of 45 Derrenbacher St. Kingston, NY by a group of dedicated brothers and sisters interested in the future of Islam in America. By the grace of Allah, a new building was bought and established as the current Masjid in 1997. During the first few years, the Masjid was opened only for Jummah prayer for the most part, but Alhamdulillah, in a matter of time the five daily prayers were established. Since then our community has continued to flourish and grow under the care of many of our brothers and sisters. In 2009, the community was able to buy a plot of land next to the Masjid as the site for the building of a new Masjid to accommodate the growing population. Inshallah the community plans to begin building the new Masjid as soon as enough funds have been raised.
Added on June 13, 2010 and last updated 4 years ago