SUNNI Jamia Masjid Al-Haramaine was established in 1973 and is situated near Dewsbury. As well as the daily prayers, the Masjid offers a variety of classes for adults and children, both male and female, marriage service, iftars in Ramadan, Taraweeh prayers, Eid prayers etc. The Masjid is generally open from Zohr prayer through to Isha, so if you're passing and need a catch-up on your prayers, you can or if you need a chat then the Imam, Maulana Rafik Sajid is normally available at the Masjid. His colleagues, Maulana Muhammad Masood and Maulana Tahir Shah are also available at certain times to lend a hand.
Added on February 20, 2010 and last updated 11 years ago