SUNNI This is a red brick mosque. Ten years ago, Nida-ul-Islam purchased land in Teaneck, NJ to build an Islamic Center. Due to unjust legal problems brought up by the town and state, efforts to complete the project were stalled for a number of years. Even though they did not have a masjid, its members still rigorously tried to educate themselves and the Muslim youth of this community about Islam. Over the years, Nida-ul-Islam held classes for Islamic studies and organized ijtamas, conferences, and fairs. Alhumdulillah, due to their efforts an Islamic awareness has developed among the people of the community, particularly the youth, many of who have gone on to further educate themselves about Islam. Students have studied various Islamic sciences as well as the Arabic language.
Added on January 27, 2006 and last updated 14 years ago