NONDENOMINATIONAL Our service offerings are as follows: Jumu’ah Prayers - 1:30pm Fridays, Dhikr - 5pm Sundays, Ramadan and ‘Eid Events, Online Qu’ran Study, and Wedding and Funeral Services Atlanta Unity Mosque is human positive. We believe all people are equal in all aspects of ritual practice regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, race, class, dis/ability, HIV status, language, or any other areas. Non-Muslims who need space for healing, and who are spouses/partners, friends, seekers, and allies are also welcome. We pray together without barriers and work to provide space for the many expressions of Islam. Respect for differences is key. Tawhid (unity) in our name refers to God's utter oneness.
Added on March 15, 2010 and last updated 5 years ago