SUNNI The Muslim Community of Upper Manhattan and Lower Bronx in New York City comes to you requesting urgent assistance regarding the transformation of a building into an Islamic Cultural Center. We purchased the building which is located at 108 E. 128th Street between Lexington and Park Avenues in February 2009. The goal of the center is to teach the values of Islam, promote dialogue and social understandings amongst people, and encourage people of other faiths to appreciate, respect, and study Islam. The Mosques in Harlem, like most Mosques around the city of New York, are overflowing with worshippers, especially during Friday prayers. However, many Harlem mosques are closing due to skyrocketing rental fees. We now need over $300,000 for the construction phase that would permanently transform the Church into a Masjid, school and Cultural Center.
Added on July 23, 2016 and last updated 8 years ago