SUNNI The Mission of Renaissance Academy is to graduate students with academic excellence, leadership skills and distinguished moral principles who contribute to society and fully live the values of Islam. Founded in 2007, Renaissance Academy gained full accreditation within it's second year of operation, and has had record enrollment since opening. As an Islamic School, the revival aspect of the word Renaissance brings back memories of the 8th to 16th Century when the Islamic World contributed greatly to the arts, agriculture, economics, industry, law, literature, navigation, philosophy, sciences, sociology, and technology. A period during which Islam was understood as demanding that Muslims work hard and progress in all fields of science and inquiry while being open-minded and tolerant of peoples and ideas from throughout the world. At Renaissance Academy we want to bring back this spirit of Islam so that our students can progress academically, exhibit the highest standards of moral excellence, and have the skills and motivation to contribute to the betterment of society.
Added on October 26, 2006 and last updated 8 years ago