SUNNI Established in 1998, Darul Arqam Trust is a Leicester-based educational charity set up to serve the general public and in particular the local Muslim community. To date, the Trust continues to initiate and run a long list of pioneering courses and activities such as; Children's Quran Schools, which have been founded in and out of Leicester, events and talks that have been organised featuring local as well as internationally acclaimed speakers, regular lessons taught at our premises by CRB qualified teachers on a daily basis, Children’s Muslim Scouts and Cubs clubs, as well as other activities such as Islamic Calligraphy classes, Islamic Sciences, Islamic Studies, Seerah and Tajweed classes, to name just a few. In summary, men, women and children from a wide spectrum of the Muslim community have all benefited from our highly qualified Islamic scholars and the work carried out by the Trust.
Added on November 20, 2016 and last updated 8 years ago