SUNNI The drive to build the Mevlana Mosque started in Ishoej since 1981. The initiative started in the basement premises at the Baltic Yard and by 1986 was a villa on Tranegilde Strandvej purchased and operated by the Association Ishoej Cultural, part of which was used as a mosque. In 2000, the current site was purchased. The association's current building was originally a factory building from the 70s. Its current state is a completely renovated both exterior and interior. The mosque can accommodate 1000 people with a prayer room at 470m2 and a 230 m2 floor balcony. In addition, meeting rooms, shower facilities, classrooms and a small teahouse with two billiard rooms are used in the association's other activities.
Added on August 10, 2009 and last updated 7 years ago