NONDENOMINATIONAL Miftaahul Uloom (The Key to Knowledge) Academy was established as a non-profit organization in 1994 and gained tax-exempt status in 1996. The school began as a cooperative home-schooling center at a residential building in Guttenberg.The school moved to the Islamic Educational Center in Union City in the year 2001, and became an officially recognized private parochial school serving Pre- K through Twelfth grade.In 2007, the school moved to a larger three stories building at 501 15th Street, Union City. Alhamdulillah, the school is continuingly growing each year. Our mission is to help families raise children who are God-conscious, principled, knowledgeable, well-balanced, cooperative, committed, and caring Muslims.
Added on January 25, 2011 and last updated 14 years ago